Every time any data is uploaded to a hosting account or downloaded using it, web site traffic is produced which is a characteristic that each hosting plan comes with. It is moreover among the attributes you have to take a look at, since how much traffic allowance you will need depends upon what you need the account for. The site traffic is generally produced by downloads and this includes site visits. In layman's terms, anytime someone opens your website, the web pages are downloaded from the server to his or her computer and they're afterwards shown by their internet browser. It's of course important to know that uploads count too, therefore when you back up large files from your computer system to the server, some traffic is generated too. Different suppliers may have different names for this particular feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, yet all of them apply to the same thing - the exact amount of incoming & outgoing info created for a given period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Hosting

We have selected all of the attributes of our hosting packagesin such a way, so as to facilitate the progress of any type of web site hosted on our leading-edge cloud platform. The website traffic that your account can produce is not an exception, that's why with a hosting package from our company, you will not need to worry about the volume of content being transferred to and from your account at any time. You can host a couple of small-scale and medium-sized web sites and ensure that your monthly traffic quota will not be a problem for their development. We also supply in-depth hourly, daily and monthly statistics which will give you extra details about the website traffic that a given site generates or what kind of page/file is being downloaded the most and generates most of the traffic. This type of info will help you plan the management of your websites and your marketing strategies more effectively.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Hosting

The monthly website traffic quota for our Linux VPS hosting is proportionate to all of the other server’s system resources. When you aquire a more powerful server, it's likely that you will operate a well-known site or even numerous sites, hence there will be more website visitors. Because of this, the greater package you aquire, the larger monthly website traffic allowance you'll have. We will notify you if you reach 90% of the amount, to make sure you have the required time to take some action and either update the plan or optimize your web sites and decrease the website traffic that they generate before the counter resets the following month. If you choose to update, this can be done from the billing Control Panel and with only a few mouse-clicks. You'll even be able to view what amount of website traffic your server has already generated and what amount is left until you reach the monthly limit. This info is available in the VPS control panel where you'll also be able to reboot your server and check the employment of all the other resources for example disk storage, CPU load and physical memory usage.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Web Hosting

With a dedicated server, you will have an extremely powerful web hosting product at your disposal and the traffic allowance you will get suits the rest of the characteristics. Your server can make terabytes of website traffic every month, so that irrespective of the type or amount of web sites that you host, you'll never need to worry for them being unavailable due to not sufficient site traffic. To be on the safe side though, we will give you the opportunity to improve this feature if required. We will notify you well ahead of time when you get close to the limit, so that you'll have the time to upgrade or lower the website traffic by optimizing your info to avoid any disruption of the work of your websites. You are able to keep track of the used and remaining website traffic for the present month via the management panel that we supply. The info there contains all of the incoming & outgoing transfers, which includes software setups and updates. In comparison, a hosting Control Panel provides more detailed data, however only for the site traffic to and from a hosting account, not your server altogether.